Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wood Working for Mere Mortals "bookends that actually hold books."

Book Ends at actually work

A couple of weeks ago Steve made some book ends, and another of his weekly videos.  Yesterday I decided I give the project a try, like his door mat, I viewed the code as more a set of guide lines, not hard and fast rules.

 Purple and yellow, the plan is for them to hold grand kid books.  I made the runners fit tightly enough that they do not need to be glued or screwed together.  It means that this book rack is 100% portable and part able. I can see using it as a display item that then gets taken apart and stored until needed later.
   Good design Steve, thanks.


  1. Very handy, and they look good, too. Our friends and relatives were cursing us on moving day for the number of boxes of books we had to move.
